Three of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

Exploring the Three of Wands Tarot Card Image

In the Three of Wands Tarot Card, there’s a person standing with his back turned on top of a hill. Three staffs are stuck in the ground, and beneath the hill, there’s an expanse of sea. Three ships are sailing ahead on the sea.

Three of Wands Tarot Card
Three of Wands Tarot Card
© of all Tarot images belong to
Lo Scarabeo

Diving Deep into the Three of Wands Tarot Card

Doesn’t this figure look familiar? He’s the guy from the previous post, the Two of Wands Tarot Card. He’s now stepping out from the sturdy fortress he’s built onto new ground. In the Ace of Wands, there was the spark of an idea, in the Two of Wands, there was the planning stage, and now it’s about putting that into action. It all connects back to numerology too. Just like how a line becomes a shape when it connects points, it’s like the initial form has been realized. Thoughts have finally materialized into actions.

Furthermore, observing the man’s position, he stands beyond two staffs, indicating he has moved past the stage of the Two of Wands. With one hand grasping a new staff, the two staffs behind him support his thoughts. This new staff will assist him in what lies ahead.

Moreover, the man’s clothes are even redder now, radiating vibrant energy. He’s draped in green cloth, symbolizing nature and fertility, and wears the laurel wreath of victory from ancient Rome, a symbol often bestowed upon The Magician Tarot Card. Additionally, the checkered covering cascading from his left shoulder brings to mind the flags that mark the start and finish of a race, resembling a trophy given to the victor. The figure, with his headband and covering, signifies that he is a winner in the game of life.


In Tarot reading, the Three of Wands signifies that someone has taken action. Ideas previously confined to thought are now being translated into action, initiating the creation of tangible outcomes. However, the direction of these outcomes—whether guided by benevolence, malice, sound judgment, or poor judgment—is uncertain. It’s only through the relationships with other cards that clearer judgments of the outcomes can be made. What’s certain is that inner thoughts and creativity have burst forth into the world.

Therefore, it advises the importance of communication with others. When unconventional thoughts or words come out, others may feel uncomfortable, and furthermore, it can lead to communication breakdowns. So, taking more time to think deeply and being mindful of expressing one’s opinions well is advisable.


  • The project is going well, communication is smooth, it’s becoming a reality, success is on the horizon.
  • Communication isn’t going smoothly, plans are getting delayed.

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