The Tower Tarot Card Meaning


The situation doesn’t look good just by looking at the images.

The sky is dark, lightning is striking, and as a result, the tower is on fire, prompting people to evacuate.

However, their only option seems to be making the decision to jump off the tower.

The Tower Tarot Card
The Tower Tarot Card
© of all Tarot images belong to
Lo Scarabeo



The tower is perceived as a prison of our own making.

Initially, intentions behind things like work, achievements, fame, and status were good, but over time, they become rigid and, ironically, imprison us.

Without realizing it, we become prisoners within the high walls and windows, trapped in our own frameworks.

Life should flow flexibly like water to avoid stagnation, but in such situations, when unexpected events occur, we often find ourselves unable to adapt and end up falling into the abyss.

The Tower of Babel

The tower on the top card is often compared to the Tower of Babel.

The Tower of Babel was made by humans against God’s will to live all over the world.

They decided that they would no longer wander, make their names, and not disperse.

Naturally, making the Tower of Babel high enough to reach the sky itself defies God’s will, so the angry god tore down the Tower of Babel and made them use different languages to disperse.

It’s all over.

Endless despair

The Tower of Tarot cards offer the following advice.

The Tower card is considered the worst in Tarot cards.

Although positive meanings are listed below, they are rarely applicable, and generally, it is interpreted as a card of despair.

The tower is struck by lightning, engulfed in flames, and two figures are leaping from it to escape the situation. The crown indicates that all accumulated wealth, fame, and achievements are collapsing.

The foundation of these individuals’ lives has crumbled, and they are freefalling into an abyss of despair with no visible end.

Can these individuals rise again? Can they grasp something to halt their descent?

It seems incredibly difficult.

Only doom awaits them.

Image Interpretation

  • The Tower – A structure built on human pride and selfish certainty.
  • Lightning – The wrath of the heavens destroying the human-made tower.
  • Falling figures – Life plunges into chaos, and everything crumbles.


  • Following perfect and unexpected destruction comes new growth. Change is necessary. Shedding old habits.
  • A shocking issue. Letting go of something significant to you. Feeling helpless after a tragic event.

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