The Sun Tarot Card Meaning


A boy is riding a horse with a bright smile and holding a red flag. Behind him, there are sunflowers blooming on the fence and even the sun in the sky is smiling brightly.

The very bright light of the sun does not contain any darkness or shadows.

In tarot cards, the sun represents life, truth, justice. The abundance of light is also interpreted as wealth, happiness, health.

The Sun Tarot Card
The Sun Tarot Card
© of all Tarot images belong to
Lo Scarabeo


Light – Truth

The Sun card is one of the most positive cards in the tarot deck (major, minor arcana).

No matter what bad cards come out, the Sun card can nullify them all.

Of course, it might be a little different if the Tower or Death card comes out, but overall, the power of the Sun card is strong, so it can be interpreted in a good direction in any situation.

Positivity itself!

It’s too dazzling!

The Sun of Tarot cards offer the following advice.

Not everything can always be good.

The Sun card can also be read negatively depending on the spread flow.

You can look at the moon for hours, but the sun is hard to look at for even a second. If you keep looking, you’ll go blind.

Likewise, when the Sun card is read negatively, it means looking at it with too blind a perspective. You need to think and act considering the surrounding situation and conditions.

And pursuing perfection too much can also be a poison in a way.

Because you can get tired in the process of going to perfection, you need some room to breathe.

Image Interpretation

  • Sun – Truth. Intelligence. Light that dispels darkness.
  • Sunflower – Used as a symbol when humans hold the sun in tarot cards. Sun = sunflower.
  • Fence – A two-dimensional boundary: Represents the boundary between self-awareness and ignorance.
  • Child – Simplicity. Innocence, freedom.
  • Red flag – Glory, power, creativity, life energy.


  • Flowing energy that does not stagnate. Clear and joyful happy time. Expansion. Growth. Healthy body. Transparency. Celebration. Childhood joy. Vitality.
  • I was exhausted. Depression. In danger of falling into blindness. It’s bright, but too bright.

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