The Star Tarot Card Meaning


If you look at the card, a woman is naked, holding a water bottle in her hands, pouring water.

The sky looks blue in the image, so it looks bright, but the stars show that it’s night.

Behind the woman, a large star is shining.

The Star Tarot Card
The Star Tarot Card
© of all Tarot images belong to
Lo Scarabeo


A beam of light that lights up the darkness

The stars become a ray of light on the dark night path, giving you hope and guiding you along the way.

If it’s been a tough journey until now, it’s time to ride the tide of good fortune.

Believe in your potential!

Hope resides here

In the tarot’s Star card, a woman appears. She pours water downward from two jugs, bare and unguarded.

The water enriches the earth, filling the puddles.

In tarot, water symbolizes the mind, resonating with the Cups, one of the four minor arcana elements. When seeing the Ace of Cups, you can witness water overflowing from the cup.

Similarly, the Star card emphasizes a pure and pristine mental state, akin to water.

Sprouts emerge from the ground where the woman pours the water.

Just budding, it seems it will take considerable time for these to grow into trees. To achieve this, they’ll need consistent nourishment, attention, and care.

This can be seen as hope and potential emerging in certain aspects.

These are the beginnings, requiring persistent effort and time to achieve the goals. Immediate results might not be visible, yet with steady progress, they can yield abundant fruits.

Don’t give up.

The Star of Tarot cards offer the following advice.

As mentioned earlier, if the Star card appears in a reading, it can indicate that it might take a considerable amount of time.

Therefore, the Star card advises us to be cautious about giving up too easily.

Negatively interpreted, it could signify investing time into something where the water keeps trickling without pooling, indicating a situation where possibilities don’t seem apparent.

Image Interpretation

  • The Star – Represents the purity of the soul in the spiritual realm.
  • Water – Symbolizes abundance of resources and healing.


  • Potential. Belief, infuses hope. Renewal. Remarkable balance. Shares inspiration well. Reveals oneself effectively.
  • Encountering obstacles. Resisting guidance and help. Need for rest. Must realize own vulnerability.

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