The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning


Men and women, appearing to be Adam and Eve, are standing in a field.
In the sky, an archangel appears, listening to their story.

The Lovers Tarot Card
The Lovers Tarot Card
© of all Tarot images belong to
Lo Scarabeo


Is this choice right?

As we live our lives, we find ourselves at the crossroads of decisions every moment. From everyday choices like what to eat for dinner to weighty topics concerning our career and future, there is no shortage of choices in life.

The Lovers card in tarot depicts human free will and the power of choice. It reminds us that humans are not always making the right decisions, much like Eve succumbing to the temptation of the snake and eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. As a result, humans must take responsibility for the consequences of their actions.

If they hadn’t succumbed to the temptation of the snake and had not eaten from the tree, Adam and Eve would have lived an eternal and bountiful life in the Garden of Eden.

However, after making their choice, they become aware of their nakedness and feel shame and fear. As a consequence of disobeying God’s command, they are punished with three consequences: Adam endures the pain of labor, Eve experiences the pain of childbirth, and both are given finite lifespans, eventually being expelled from the Garden of Eden.

“I love you.”

Still, I love you.

The Lovers card signifies that in human relationships, the person coming into your life at present will bring true love. If you are already in a relationship, it will become even stronger.

Even if both parties are aware of being exposed to the dangers of vulnerability, temptation, and jealousy, they will still commit to each other and form a bond based on loyalty and the promises they made to each other.

Image Interpretation

  • Archangel Raphael – Symbolizes love and healing. It also represents higher power and sanctity.
  • The Snake – The essence of choice. It signifies the dual aspects that come with making decisions, including temptation, rebellion, wisdom, and growth.
  • The Tree of Knowledge – The tree behind the woman. It represents not just awareness but also the responsibility that comes with knowledge.
  • The Tree of Life – The tree behind the man. It symbolizes human nature, drive, ambition, and the force that propels us forward.


  • Choice. Love, sensuality, passion. A new love enters your life. Excitement and joy. Temptation and allure. Harmony between the inner and outer aspects of life.
  • Adultery or a deteriorating relationship. Breakup. Need to resolve arguments and stabilize emotions. Making choices hastily or out of fear.

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