The Devil Tarot Card Meaning


The man and woman are bound by chains around their necks and held captive by a demon.

Their future is unclear, and they are worried about how to overcome this obstacle.

The Devil Tarot Card
The Devil Tarot Card
© of all Tarot images belong to
Lo Scarabeo


The Devil card vividly portrays the corrupt aspects of human nature.

It represents unrestrained anger, succumbing to laziness, inability to control desires, and a boiling cauldron of greed and envy.

The Devil revels in self-justification, disregards responsibility, and willingly submits to weakness. It simply desires to become more and more sluggish, much like being addicted to drugs or alcohol.

With Adam and Eve, who had previously appeared in the Lovers of Tarot card, making another appearance, it signifies the consequences of their greed.

If they hadn’t succumbed to temptation due to their own mistakes, if they hadn’t indulged in their primal instincts and had made more rational decisions, would this grim outcome have unfolded?

Restraint brought on by instinctive desire

The Devil of Tarot cards offer the following advice.

It conveys that their responsibility-free freedom and unrestrained pursuit of pleasure ultimately lead to becoming slaves to the devil.

However, upon closer examination, the chains around their necks are not completely tight. This signifies that at any time, they can break free from their current temptations, addictions, and constraints through their willpower and effort.

Nevertheless, due to their inherent weakness compared to the devil, it is advisable to confront these challenges in a more indirect manner rather than facing them head-on.

Image Interpretation

  • The Devil – Bound by the darkest desires of human nature, unaware, ill-intentioned.
  • The Reversed Star – A symbol of Lucifer, representing the corruption of power or virtue.
  • Chains – Illustrating how our desires and fears can become addictive and imprison us.
  • Torch – Not illuminating a path, but held only by the Devil.
  • Humans – The figures from the Lovers card reappear.


  • Overcoming addiction. Old obstacles resolved. Now free and no longer a slave to obsession.
  • Addiction and subservience. Transition from allure to obsession. Inability to control. Deceiving others. Unable to see through one’s own inner self.

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