The Death Tarot Card Meaning


A skeletal knight rides a white horse, carrying a black flag, slowly approaching. Beneath the horse lies a man who appears to be an emperor, fallen, and his crown rolls on the ground. The Pope, a child, and a woman kneel and pray before the skeletal knight.

Death Tarot Card
Death Tarot Card
© of all Tarot images belong to
Lo Scarabeo


About Death

A skeletal figure, riding a white horse and holding a flag, approaches slowly.

We are always accompanied by death, living our lives towards it.

Death may approach slowly, and at times, it may strike suddenly. How one views this impending death will shape their life.

No one can prevent death, but if, like the emperor, one is solely focused on the material world and neglects their spiritual side, they risk losing everything they have achieved and facing sudden death.

However, people like the Pope, who are spiritually inclined, can prepare for death in advance and even delay its arrival.


Tomorrow is another day.

All things new begin from the end.

This is not a literal death but a symbol of change and evolution.

The sun on the right side of the card suggests this.

Image Interpretation

  • Skeleton: The messenger of death.
  • Black flag: Symbolizes life, representing the connection between life and death.
  • Rising sun: Represents hope, immortality, and the idea that physical death is a new beginning for the spirit.
  • People facing death: Emperor, Pope, maiden, child – All are equal in the face of death.
  • Fallen crown: Represents The old is falling.
  • Boat: Signifies that life continues amidst change.


  • Change and confusion are the path to new growth. A gradual impending change. The threshold to another reality. There’s a need for something to change. It requires courage.
  • A time of sadness and loss is coming to an end. An uncomfortable revolution. Postponing the inevitable. Fear of the unknown. Avoiding the issues. Gasping in fear.

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