Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meaning


A man and a woman are hugging each other’s waist and spreading their arms, enjoying the present moment of happiness.

Next to them, two children who appear to be children are dancing and spinning.

Their cozy home is on a hill, and the surroundings look rich, with flowing water and plenty of trees.

Ten cups are lined up along a rainbow and brighten up families having fun.

Ten of Cups Tarot Card
Ten of Cups Tarot Card
© of all Tarot images belong to
Lo Scarabeo



In Tarot cards, the shape and form of the elements represent the overall image of the card.

The ten cups of Cup Number 10 shine against a rainbow background.

This represents a happy couple.

They recognized each other as 1 and 1 met and became 2, and by having children and becoming 4, they finally found stability.

The environment around them also appears rich.

Children are the result of a couple’s union and represent their future.

Their future will always be bright like a rainbow shining in the sky, and they are optimistic and confident.

Number 10 of Cups vs Number 10 of Pentacles

Cup number 10 can be compared to Pentacle number 10. Cups represent a person’s mind and emotions, and Pentacles represent results and money.

Both cards represent completion with the number 10. What are the differences?

A family also appears in the number 10 of Pentacles, and the main character is an elderly person. Although he enjoys material and financial abundance, we can see that he has invested a lot of time and youth into it. Therefore, there may still be some regret in your heart, wondering what you ran so hard for.

In contrast, Number 10 of Cups appears less materially wealthy than Number 10 of Pentacles.

It looks like a house where four families can rest, a front yard with flowing water and bushes where they can get food. This feels a bit different compared to 10 Pentacles, but it is not enough for a family to survive.

Rather, wouldn’t it be the number 10 of Cups that makes you feel mentally at peace?


  • Completion of the mind. pleasure. happy family. positive energy.
  • Trust is broken. anger. betrayal. breach. floating noise

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