Seven of Cups Tarot Card Meaning


Each shape is contained in seven cups that seem to be floating on clouds in the sky.

Below them, a person appears as a black silhouette looking at them.

Seven of Cups Tarot Card
Seven of Cups Tarot Card
© of all Tarot images belong to
Lo Scarabeo


Consciousness of the unconscious

The shapes inside the seven cups symbolize the outward expression of the desires and inherent emotions of the main character on the card.

  • The face of temptation – beauty, love
  • Idols shrouded in veil – premonitions, worries
  • Snake – greed, lust, temptation
  • Gender – Family, Personality
  • Jewelry – opulence, vanity, greed.
  • Laurel wreath – achievement, victory, success, ambition
  • Dragon – Intemperate, aggressive.

The figures above are figures that appeared at least once in the Major Arcana.

The face of temptation is the head of Archangel Michael in Temperance card 14.

Although the veiled idol is not directly connected, it may be compared to Priestess Number 2.

It represents something secret, sacred, and veiled. Ultimately, isn’t this what the black silhouette protagonist longs for and aims for?

I have too many thoughts

Seven of Cups of Tarot cards offer the following advice.

As you go through life, you begin to feel that thinking too much becomes poisonous.

How about doing it like this or like that? No, it would be better to go in a different direction.

Of course, we know that careful selection is important even if we don’t stress it over and over again, but sometimes just giving it a try gives better results.

It would be best not to fail, but the reality is that life is not as easy as we had hoped.

That’s why you need to think carefully, but be careful not to get too carried away.


  • dream. Good decision. decision. will.
  • Unable to get out of the swamp of thoughts. Can’t choose. Severe delusions. My mind is confused.

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