Page of Cups Tarot Card Meaning


A young boy is standing wearing colorful clothes. In his hand is a cup filled with fish.

Page of Cups Tarot Card
Page of Cups Tarot Card
© of all Tarot images belong to
Lo Scarabeo


Court Cards

Tarot cards are comprised of 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana.

The Major Arcana is numbered from 0 to 21, and is a card with meaning that can encompass our life story.

The Minor Arcana is made up of four elements: Cups, Wands, Swords, and Pentacles, and each element is made up of 14 cards.

The Minor Arcana is further divided into card numbers 1 to 10 and 4 court cards.

The previous post was about cups numbered 1 to 10, and now we will learn about the four court cards: page, knight, queen, and king.

Behavior, attitude graph

Behavior, attitude graph - Page of Cups Tarot Card

The court cards of page, knight, queen, and king can be explained by the quadrant graph in the screenshot above.

The horizontal axis is about behavior, allowing you to understand whether you are active or passive about something.
The vertical axis is about Potential and Experience, which indicates how much ability the character on that court card has.

The boy (page) card is located at 7 o’clock in the quadrant graph.

You can see that his abilities are not yet outstanding and only have potential, and his action is passive.

Pages are also called servant cards. This reflects the medieval era when tarot cards were created, and the boy card can be seen as a person of low social status who does chores and runs errands in other people’s homes.

So the boy is a passive person who cannot do anything on his own and must only do what his superiors tell him to do. Naturally, his abilities are low as he cannot rise to the noble rank of queen or king.

A sensitive boy

The Boy of Cups represents a boy or girl who has very delicate sensitivity and excels in the field of culture and arts.

His gorgeous clothes speak for themselves.

He also looks at the world with a pure heart like a child and unfolds his thoughts. This is the best quality to have as an artist, but on the other hand, you must be careful because it can lead to stubbornness in doing your own thing without knowing the world.

In the Minor Arcana, the cup represents the human mind.

However, a fish, not water, is trying to jump into the cup the boy is holding.

This means that the boy’s subconscious mind, thoughts, and emotions changed from formless water to tangible fish.

Therefore, it can be said that the boy’s thoughts wandered here and there, but then his mind became firm and his thoughts changed.

What kind of person am I?

When you want to know a person’s personality while reading the Tarot, you draw one of the 16 court cards and read it.

People with the Boy of Cups card are basically young.

This can be said to have pure emotions and minds like a child, but on the other hand, it also indicates that the way of thinking itself is young.

He is a person with a talent for culture and art, and is quite sensitive and has excellent communication skills with other people.

He is a person who is immersed in his own world of dreams and imagination, and it can be interpreted that he has no sense of reality.

He is a person who has the desire to do something, but does not follow through with action.


  • Rich in sensitivity. Good imagination. Excellent artistic temperament. Open to interaction with other people.
  • Only thinking and lack of ability to act. Unable to express one’s emotions properly. I have no idea. A style that requires a lot of work

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