Nine of Cups Tarot Card Meaning


A handsome man is sitting with his arms crossed.

His expression is slightly smiling and his arms are crossed.

Behind it, nine cups are placed in a row.

Nine of Cups Tarot Card
Nine of Cups Tarot Card
© of all Tarot images belong to
Lo Scarabeo


Enjoy what you have to the fullest

If a person has material wealth, it will show in his or her facial expressions and actions.

The man with number 9 of Cups has a good appearance, perhaps because he eats well, and looking at the clothes and hat he is wearing, he appears to have no shortage of money.

From the slightly smiling face and proudly folded arms, you can see that he has achieved what he set out to achieve.

It gives off an aura that is in complete contrast to the man with his arms crossed in cup number 4.

Dreams come true

All Minor Arcana are numbered 1 through 10.

Numerologically, number 10 is the completion of everything, and 9 can be seen as the final step to number 10.

As we will find out in the next post, Cup number 10 is a man and a woman starting a family and two children playing around. Isn’t this a perfectly stable time in our lives?

To achieve this dream, a man can see that he has worked hard to achieve his goals.

And in the end, that dream came true.


  • A dream come true. success. Victory. Satisfaction. Joy of life.
  • Incomplete. conceit. Not interacting with others.

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