My male best friend loves me deeply, but I don’t feel the same.

Free Tarot Reading : Question

I never imagined that my best friend would have feelings for me.

I have this best friend I’ve known since high school. We both have jobs and live our own lives, so we don’t get to see each other often, but we make it a point to meet up once a month. Whenever we do, we have a great time catching up and sharing things we haven’t been able to talk about. I find it easier to open up to him than anyone else. But lately, I’ve been feeling like he’s getting closer to me than just a best friend. It started with him asking persistent questions about things I wouldn’t normally share. At first, I wondered if he really needed to know all that, but since we’re such close friends, I talked about it. Then he even sort of confessed his feelings for me, not directly but kinda. I laughed it off, telling him not to joke like that, but deep down, I think he genuinely loves me. What should I do about this situation?

Tarot spread

My male best friend loves me deeply, but I don't feel the same
Here’s the spread that came up during my tarot reading

Looking at the Six of Cups Tarot Card, it’s clear that you and your friend share a deep bond. This card is all about reminiscing on childhood memories, where the bad stuff fades away, leaving only the happy ones. When you’re with him, it’s always uplifting and joyful, like tapping into a well of positivity. But here’s the thing to consider: your relationship seems to stop right there. While your friend might feel a romantic attraction towards you, you’ve never thought of it that way. Just meeting up, grabbing a meal, and chatting about each other’s lives is enough to make you both happy. That’s where you find stability between you two.

However, that guy seems to be testing your boundaries, inching a step closer than you’re comfortable with. Judging from his personality, he’s more likely to subtly probe your feelings rather than express his own directly. This tendency could be traced back to the Queen of Wands archetype. He’s quite observant and always there to support you like a sturdy tree, especially when you’re going through tough times, even if he doesn’t show it outwardly.

Free Tarot Reading : My best friend has a crush on me.

This kind of vibe between you and the guy has always been there, but you’ve been so caught up in work and real-life worries that you didn’t really notice it. Now, when he jokingly suggests you two should date, you’ve finally caught on, but it’s clear he’s serious about it.

You might feel a bit caught off guard by hearing unexpected words from your friend, and it’s natural to feel a bit overwhelmed right now. That reaction might even lead to some resistance. You’ve mentioned not feeling any romantic feelings towards him, but take a moment to listen to your heart. There’s a possibility that your relationship could evolve beyond friendship and into a passionate love.

Learn about The Devil Tarot Card Meaning

The Devil Tarot Card
The Devil Tarot Card
© of all Tarot images belong to
Lo Scarabeo

A man and a woman standing beneath the devil, chained around their necks.
Find out about The Devil Tarot Card Meaning in the next post 🙂

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