Knight of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

Exploring the Knight of Wands Tarot Card Image

The Knight of Wands Tarot card depicts a knight riding a horse in a desert with three pyramids, holding a wand. The horse’s mane, tail, and the knight’s helmet adorned with red feathers embody flames. The horse raises its front hoof, exuding a dynamic stance.

Knight of Wands Tarot Card
Knight of Wands Tarot Card
© of all Tarot images belong to
Lo Scarabeo

Diving Deep into the Knight of Wands Tarot Card

The suit of Wands represents fire, and among all the Wands cards, the Knight of Wands Tarot Card vividly portrays this aspect. The horse’s color, mane, tail, and the overall card hue are fiery red, signifying the element. With such fiery attributes, the knight atop the horse can command it effortlessly. By his command, the horse will either charge forward with full force or come to a halt.

The attributes of fire signify ambition, passion, ideas, and creativity. Like a roaring flame, they will burn fiercely for a while. That’s why handling them requires caution. The tunic worn by the knight is adorned with black salamanders. These legendary creatures, with skin resistant to fire, symbolize that the individual in control won’t be harmed by the fire and can master everything without being scorched by it.

Behavior, attitude graph

Behavior, attitude graph : Knight of Wands Tarot Card

Looking at the graph, the knight is positioned at 5 o’clock. As a rank that moves under the king’s command, the knight has mobility but lacks significant personal authority. Also, considering the knight holds a wand instead of a sword, it suggests they’re not going into battle. Instead, they’re more akin to a messenger delivering news. Therefore, the knight of wands must act swiftly.

If this card appears in a tarot reading, it could be interpreted as follows: If there are obstacles hindering progress in a matter, they will be removed, and progress will proceed swiftly. Your ideas will manifest into tangible results fueled by overflowing passion. Therefore, trust yourself and keep moving forward. In relationships, new connections or fresh opportunities will emerge like the fresh leaves sprouting from a wand.


When interpreting the Knight cards of the four elements (cup, wand, sword, pentacle), the images can indeed be confusingly similar. However, by observing the color of the horse and the equipment held by the knight, clarity can be achieved. The horse’s color represents the heart, and in this card, the horse is red. In other words, the heart may not be pure, leading to tendencies to force oneself into tasks that don’t resonate. Acting hastily due to oversimplified thinking may lead to mistakes. While always passionate, focusing solely on quick results may result in burnout rather than sustained enthusiasm. Therefore, it’s important to be cautious of this and not let the passion dwindle too quickly.


  • Passion, energy, ideas, creativity, swiftness.
  • Rushing ahead, burnout.

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