King of Cups Tarot Card Meaning


The king in the King of Cups Tarot Card sits on a throne above water, the sea, symbolizing the cup element. The sea is full of rippling waves, so no matter what happens at any time, there is nothing unusual about it. Meanwhile, the king’s expression is calm and he keeps his back straight and maintains his position.

King of Cups Tarot Card
King of Cups Tarot Card
© of all Tarot images belong to
Lo Scarabeo

King of Cups Tarot Card : Description

Behavior, attitude graph

Behavior, attitude graph - King of Cups Tarot Card

The court cards of page, knight, queen, and king can be explained by the quadrant graph in the screenshot above.

The horizontal axis is about behavior, allowing you to understand whether you are active or passive about something.

The vertical axis is about Potential and Experience, which indicates how much ability the character on that court card has.

The King card is located at 1 o’clock on the quadrant graph.

The king, who is located at the highest point of the social hierarchy, is a king whose words are law and his every action serves as an example to everyone.

Therefore, his abilities are higher than anyone else’s, and even his ability to act is active and active.

In this aspect, he can be compared to the Knight of Cups Tarot Card. He possesses the same proactive nature but holds a much higher position and influence than the Knight.

King of Cups Tarot Card : lord of emotions

The King of Cups, like the other Cups court cards, is an emotional card.

However, he is more faithful to his heart and emotions than anyone else – a boy, a knight, or a queen – and can control them better.

Because of his social position, he may come across as self-righteous and pushy. However, contrary to his hard appearance, he is a monarch who knows how to rule over other people, including the emotional aspects of his people.

He is a good ruler who does not show off his abilities and is not swayed by emotions.

He will be a king like a friendly local resident in our neighborhood, far from dictatorship and chosen-people politics.

Burial of emotions

The King of Cups is the lord of his emotions, so if he fails to control them, the backlash will be devastating.

When he becomes so absorbed in his own abilities and thoughts, he stops listening to others and builds his own colosseum, where communication is no longer possible.

Because of his erratic attitude, he will not be trusted by those around him, and at times, his extreme actions, words and actions may cause estrangement between him and others.

Therefore, people with the King of Cups card must be faithful to their emotions, but must find peace of mind and learn to control them well.

King of Cups Tarot Card : What kind of person am I?

When you want to know a person’s personality while reading the Tarot, you draw one of the 16 court cards and read it.

People with the King of Cups card have the ability to control not only their own minds but also the minds of others.

He is a person who has the ability to execute any task successfully.

He always has an open heart for others.

He looks scary on the outside, but he is a warm person on the inside.

He can be so moody at times that it can be difficult for those around him.

He may be a mentally tough person.


  • Control your emotions well. Has ability. Consider others well. Friendly and trustworthy
  • Not being honest about your feelings. I have no faith. tyrant. Mentally difficult.

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