I love older men

Free Tarot Reading : Question

I love older men. Is it okay to continue this relationship?”

I’ve found someone special with a significant age gap. We met at a social gathering. But there’s one concern: the age difference between us is quite large. I’m 22, and my partner is 20 years older. Still, I believe our love shouldn’t be hindered by that, and I don’t let it bother me. However, he seems cautious about getting too deeply involved due to his social standing. Yet, I truly love him and can’t imagine anyone else. I’m sure it’s not just a passing feeling. Is it a problem that I love older men? What should I do in this situation?

Tarot spread

Free Tarot Reading : I love older men
Here’s the spread that came up during my tarot reading

It seems undeniable that your feelings for him are genuine. Drawing the Ace of Swords Tarot Card suggests making a firm decision about a matter. In your case, it’s choosing to love someone with a significant age gap. While perceptions may vary by culture, there’s often more concern from others than celebration. You recognize this issue and are actively trying to overcome it.

But there’s something to consider. You say it’s not just a passing feeling, but aren’t you actually worried? Let’s take a look at the Knight of Wands Tarot Card. It depicts a knight charging forward with a wand, not a sword, indicating a lack of readiness for battle. In other words, you’re impulsively tackling this issue with emotions that may not truly reflect your inner self. Consequently, fixating on the age of the person you’re dating is causing you unnecessary stress.

Free Tarot Reading : I love older men

At first, loving him might not have seemed like a big deal, but with all the chatter from those around you, your doubts might have started to grow. That could lead you to throw tantrums like a child or display immature behavior towards him. These aspects could negatively impact his confidence in your relationship. As much as there’s a significant age gap, your way of thinking about him needs to mature even more. If it doesn’t, the relationship will be tough. But you’re wise, and if you revisit your initial feelings, your love could deepen far beyond where it is now. Just don’t forget that my love, not someone else’s, is what I decide.

Learn about Knight of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

Knight of Wands Tarot Card
Knight of Wands Tarot Card
© of all Tarot images belong to
Lo Scarabeo

A knight is charging on horseback, wielding a wand.
Find out about Knight of Wands Tarot Card Meaning in the next post.

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