I hope for a lovely day.

Free Tarot Reading : Question

There’s no more lovely day for me.

I’ve been out of work for a few months now after quitting my job. The aftermath of leaving my job has left me afraid to start something new. So, I stay home and avoid meeting people. I know this cycle isn’t good for me, but it’s really hard to go out. Fortunately, I have some savings to get by for now. But it’s tough to even get out of bed in the morning, and I can’t seem to focus on anything. Do you think I can find a new job and get my life back on track? I really hope for a lovely day.

Tarot spread

Free Tarot Reading : I hope for a lovely day.
Here’s the spread that came up during my tarot reading

Things were really bad when you left your job. The Tower Tarot Card is considered one of the worst cards in the deck. It suggests that even when things seem to be going well, obstacles keep popping up. It seems there were communication problems among your colleagues at work. No matter what you said, your boss wouldn’t listen, and your opinions were repeatedly ignored. This led to deeper emotional rifts in your relationships, pushing things towards a worst-case scenario. However, thanks to your efforts, you didn’t fall apart and managed to maintain your self-esteem.

So, as a reaction, you’re taking a break. Every action has a reaction. When there’s something good, there’s something bad, and when you go through something, the opposite tendency comes out. Right now, it’s a time for you to get some much-needed rest. You went through a lot emotionally at work, but because of that, you now have the time to focus on yourself.

Free Tarot Reading : Will a lovely day come for me?

The Tower Tarot Card indicates that everything is burning down and the achievements you’ve built up are being destroyed. It’s a desperate situation, but sometimes old things need to be cleared away to make room for new growth. In this sense, you’re observing your current situation from a third-person perspective, much like The Hanged Man. This isn’t a bad thing. By looking at yourself from this viewpoint, you can create the conditions for a better, lovely day to come.

You’re handling this really well. You mentioned that starting something new is hard for you. But that’s just worry talking. The Queen of Cups Tarot Card says you can overcome this hardship. The cup she holds represents your limitless potential. If you get through this period, that potential will burst forth like a fountain. This will nourish you, and a bright sun will shine on your path. Believe in yourself!

Learn about The Tower Tarot Card Meaning

The Tower Tarot Card
The Tower Tarot Card
© of all Tarot images belong to
Lo Scarabeo

The tower is burning, and people are jumping out. What’s happening?
Find out about The Tower Tarot Card Meaning in the next post.

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