Free Tarot Reading : How’s my love life looking this year?

Free Tarot Reading : Question

I really want to have a love life this year.

I’ve been single for over a year and a half now, and I’m curious when I might start dating again. How’s my love life looking this year?

Tarot spread

How's my love life looking this year?
Here’s the spread that came up during my tarot reading

In Tarot, all the Ace cards from the Minor Arcana represent new beginnings. The Ace of Wands you see in the screenshot is interpreted the same way. This signifies that after the past year and a half, all the pain and scars from previous relationships have faded away. So, you’re feeling ready for a fresh start, just like the Two of Cups Tarot card suggests, yearning for companionship and connection with someone new.

However, even though you feel that way emotionally, it’s not reflecting in your actions. For instance, even if you have new encounters, there are communication barriers and stumbling blocks with your potential partners.

Moreover, you’re quite occupied with work. You want to engage in a relationship right now, but there’s just too much on your plate professionally, leaving you with no energy for dating. Nevertheless, things are going well in your career. It’s a time of getting what you want, so financially, you’re finding some breathing room, and you’re seeking stability in relationships with colleagues.

Will I be able to have a happy love life?

Also, because you’re the type to see things through once you’ve made up your mind, it seems like that trait is affecting your work as well, making you more anxious. So, now you feel that diving into a relationship might bring you emotional stability.

Your love prospects for this year are quite promising.

If you prioritize your feelings and give yourself some mental space, you’ll definitely find new love.

Learn about Two of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

Two of Cups Tarot Card
Two of Cups Tarot Card
© of all Tarot images belong to
Lo Scarabeo

Two individuals facing each other and passing a cup.
Find out about Two of Cups Tarot Card Meaning in the next post. 🙂

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