Free Tarot Reading : How can I stay calm in tough situations?

Free Tarot Reading : Question

I never knew I’d go through tough situations because of the teacher.

I’m attending an academy that’s crucial for my career path. I did a lot of research before deciding on this study option. In the first few months, I was busy meeting new people and focusing on my studies. However, I’ve encountered a problem. The attitude of a teacher towards me has gradually changed. At first, he showed a lot of interest in me and was quite supportive, even saying that with hard work, I could excel. But after a few months, that interest faded, and he started to ignore me, even making dismissive remarks when I asked questions. His actions, which I can’t seem to understand, have made it difficult for me to concentrate on my studies, and I’ve started to dread going to the academy. However, since this study is crucial for my career, I find it hard to quit. How do I navigate through these tough situations of being ignored by this teacher?

Tarot spread

Free Tarot Reading : How can I stay calm in tough situations?
Here’s the spread that came up during my tarot reading

Let’s look into your situation first.

The Moon Tarot Card is drawn, showing a crab emerging from the water onto land. Naturally, venturing into new territory away from what’s familiar can bring both fear and hope. However, upon reaching land, two dogs stand in its way, symbolizing the practical obstacles one might face.

You can see yourself in this crab from the card. You’ve started attending a new academy for your career, but the teacher there is getting in the way of your progress. The path ahead for your career might seem long and unclear, but it’s the only way forward. It’s like navigating through the darkness, relying only on the moonlight.

The teacher who should be guiding you in such a situation is like those two dogs, just blocking your path. Frankly, I don’t understand the words and actions of such a teacher either. Isn’t it the role of a teacher to share their knowledge and resources to help students become better individuals? Being in such a position and ignoring students or not teaching them properly seems like forgetting their duty.

How can I endure tough situations?

You’re experiencing agony studying under such a teacher, and every night you’re plagued by nightmares. As seen in the Eight of Swords Tarot Card, you’re bound and surrounded by swords, feeling trapped with no way out. It’s a situation where you feel powerless.

You might not understand the teacher’s actions for no apparent reason, but the problem that could arise from you is communication. Look at the Five of Pentacles Tarot Card: a couple walks past a church in the snow, symbolizing situations where help is available around you, but you fail to notice and just pass by. Instead of studying alone, strengthen relationships with friends who study with you and share necessary information. Surely, someone supportive will emerge by your side, and the teacher’s actions will fade away from your mind. Your current goal is to focus on studying for your career.

What will happen to that teacher in the future?

The Death Tarot Card came up. It suggests that the teacher doesn’t know where he’s headed. In the card, there’s a skeletal knight slowly approaching on a white horse, hinting that something bad is gradually coming their way. Those who realize this might avoid the trouble, but folks like the teacher, who act without thinking, will face it. Acting without any thought in a role like that of a teacher, where what you say and do greatly impacts others, especially students, will eventually lead to them fading away from their social position.

Learn about The Death Tarot Card Meaning

Death Tarot Card
Death Tarot Card
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Lo Scarabeo

A skeletal knight is riding a white horse, slowly advancing. There are fallen people around and others praying. What could this situation be?
Find out about The Death Tarot Card Meaning in the next post 🙂

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