Free Tarot Reading : Can I get close to that guy?

Free Tarot Reading : Question

I want to get close to A, whom I’ve fallen for at first sight.

There’s this A and B I’ve met at gatherings. I feel a closer bond with A during our hangouts, and I’m curious about how A sees me. Do you think I could close to him? Also, I haven’t really interacted with B, but I’m curious about our relationship too.

Tarot spread

Do you think I could close to him?
Here’s the spread that came up during my tarot reading

The guy in the Four of Cups Tarot Card is hesitating to accept the cup being offered from the cloud. In tarot, cups represent emotions. Similarly, you’re trying to get closer to him because you like him, but he’s reluctant to readily accept your feelings.

When he’s with you, he probably has some good qualities, but negative feelings come to mind first.

Your relationship with him could be seen as your one-sided interest or obsession.

He’s a rational and decisive person, so he doesn’t handle your relationship emotionally or ambiguously. That’s why your relationship might continue, but in a somewhat detached manner.

Can I get close to that guy?

The relationship with B seems promising as the Ten of Cups Tarot Card just showed up.

Ironically, it seems like your connection with this person is much better.

The Ten of Cups is a card of emotional fulfillment, indicating good emotional exchange between each other, with a warm flow between the two, allowing for happy times together.

It would be beneficial to strengthen intimacy with B.

Learn about Three of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

Three of Cups Tarot Card
Three of Cups Tarot Card
© of all Tarot images belong to
Lo Scarabeo

Around, there are abundant fruits growing, and women are raising their glasses in a toast.
Find out about Three of Cups Tarot Card Meaning in the next post. 🙂

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