Four of Cups Tarot Card Meaning


A man is sitting under a tree with his arms crossed.

Next to him, a hand formed from clouds is offering him a cup.

Four of Cups Tarot Card
Four of Cups Tarot Card
© of all Tarot images belong to
Lo Scarabeo


I have to gather my thoughts.

We express our thoughts and emotions through words and actions.

Expressions and actions can often convey more strongly without words.

The man in the Tarot card Four of Cups is sitting with his arms crossed.

This gesture signifies unease in the current situation. It’s an unconscious action to seek comfort by enclosing oneself and simultaneously may indicate a desire to protect oneself from others.

In front of the man are three cups lined up.

While his emotions seemed stable, suddenly a hand from the clouds reaches out and offers a cup. This indicates that something has emerged in his mind unexpectedly.

However, rather than accepting it, he seems to be pondering what to do about it. It seems challenging for him to view it positively. Perhaps he might even appear disinterested.

Judging by his expression and gestures, the likelihood of refusal seems more prominent.


  • There’s a will to do something. It’s a time to emerge from the darkness. Seizing one’s opportunity.
  • Denial of everything. Lack of interest. No chances. Boredom.

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