Does he love me?

Free Tarot Reading : Question

Hi XIXRuthTarot, I’m a college student and I have a question that’s been weighing on my mind, so I thought I’d reach out to you. There’s this guy in my class that I really like. We take the same courses, eat together, and spend most of our time at school with each other. As we’ve spent more time together, I’ve started to feel a romantic attraction towards him. Our relationship is great as it is, even if we’re not a couple, but I want to take things to the next level. I’m worried that if I confess my feelings, it might ruin the good thing we have going. So before I tell him how I feel, I want to know what’s in his heart. Does he love me?

Tarot spread

Tarot spread : Does he love me?

First, it’s good to understand his personality. Do you see the Queen of Cups Tarot Card in the top left corner of the spread? This card tells us about his character. He is naturally introverted and passive. Just like the cup in the card, he doesn’t show his true feelings easily to others. In other words, he doesn’t like to say things that might upset others. Even if he’s dealing with something difficult or has worries, he tends to handle it on his own. Because of this, it’s hard to figure out what’s really on the minds of people like him.

Now, let’s look at his current situation. He is currently working towards his goals. For example, he might be studying hard to get good grades or gaining various experiences for his future career. He’s trying to break away from his old self and live a new life. This is clearly shown in the Four of Pentacles card. You can see that he doesn’t want to let go of anything he possesses.

In this situation, it seems like he knows that if he focuses on anything other than his goals, everything might fall apart. He has a strong sense that wasting time on momentary pleasures could end up backfiring on him. That’s why he’s carefully managing his relationship with you. Of course, your presence as a soulmate is meaningful. There’s a significant synergy in sharing experiences and fulfilling what each other lacks. This is why he’s making an effort to keep your relationship balanced.

Free Tarot Reading : Does he love me?

And there are three Swords cards in the spread. This indicates that he is exercising a great deal of self-control. Even though he is human and has his emotional moments, he tries hard to remain rational and make logical decisions, just like the queen in the Queen of Swords card.

As for your question, “Does he love me?” unfortunately, the answer is “no,” but it doesn’t seem like your relationship will suffer because of it. Understanding his feelings better will help you adjust your actions accordingly. Try to maintain a good relationship as soulmates.

Learn about Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

Queen of Swords Tarot Card
Queen of Swords Tarot Card
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Lo Scarabeo

There is a queen sitting upright with a sword. What is she looking at?
Find out about Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning in the next post.

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