Free Tarot Reading : Can I forget bad childhood memories?

Free Tarot Reading : Question

Unforgettable childhood memories.

I’m 35 now. I’ve got my social standing and a family of my own. But I can’t shake off the bad memories from my childhood. I went through verbal abuse and physical violence from my father when I was young. Back then, I just wanted to give up on life. Yet, I managed to endure thanks to good relationships with friends. If I hadn’t made some right decisions, I might not have been able to ask this question now. I thought I had erased all those memories so far. But lately, they’ve been resurfacing. They seem to have only been momentarily forgotten, not completely shaken off. The problem is, I’m afraid those unpleasant memories might unconsciously affect my children. Despite trying to be as gentle as possible, I worry that I might say something harsh or inadvertently resort to physical discipline. Is there a way to erase those childhood memories for good?

Tarot spread

Free Tarot Reading : Can I forget bad childhood memories?
Here’s the spread that came up during my tarot reading

I deeply regret hearing about the tough times you faced in your childhood.

The Ten of Swords Tarot Card has appeared, painting a clear picture of your situation. A man lies fallen on the ground, with ten swords piercing his back. It’s evident that you’ve been through significant pain in the past. While the Three of Swords shows heartache, the Ten of Swords indicates an even more severe state. Coping with such situations at a young age must have been incredibly challenging for you. Ultimately, the pain has persisted over time, despite your efforts to move past it. You may have claimed to have forgotten, but the wounds were too deep to heal completely.

When you look at a tarot spread and find that half of the six cards are Cups cards, it’s quite telling. In tarot, Cups represent emotions. Take the Page of Cups Tarot Card, for instance; you’ll see a fish in the cup, symbolizing how thoughts in your mind have materialized into tangible goals or visions. In other words, abstract ideas have taken concrete shape.

Don’t think about your childhood!

Sure, let me put it in simpler terms. If I were to tell you right now, “Don’t think about elephants.” what would you think about? Just take 5 seconds to think. Suddenly, even though I told you not to think about elephants, that’s the only thing you’ll think about. Similarly, when old unpleasant memories resurface, you might tell yourself, “I shouldn’t think about those things; I should forget about them.” It’s the most common approach, but as shown in the example, it often backfires, making those memories even more prominent.

You’re like the man in the Eight of Cups Tarot Card, trying to move away from past wounds and a broken heart. But if you look closely, the cups are still standing upright, not fallen over. Even in the midst of hellish times, weren’t there at least a few good memories? It seems like there’s still lingering compassion and longing for your father. Moreover, your focus on the bad memories might make you forget the memories with friends who actually helped and supported you, those who could lift you up when you needed it most.

Take a moment to examine where your thoughts are dwelling. Determine whether those thoughts will serve as a salvation to you, like the sound of judgment’s trumpet, or if they are unwelcome sounds you’d rather not remember. With this discernment, the sun rising with the warmth of spring will illuminate your path ahead.

Learn about The Judgement Tarot Card Meaning

Judgement Tarot Card
Judgement Tarot Card
© of all Tarot images belong to
Lo Scarabeo

A man blowing a trumpet in the sky, and corpses awakening in graves by the sound.
Find out about The Judgement Tarot Card Meaning in the next post. 🙂

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